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Lately I have begun watching old episodes of a very popular TV series that aired from 1952 to 1961:  This is Your Life.  In an era of live television, this was the show to watch because right at the beginning producer/host Ralph Edwards surprised the person whose life was to be told and no one could be sure how that person would react. 

“This is Your Life” (“TYL”) and “Candid Camera” were television’s earliest reality TV shows in capturing live events of people being surprised.

I am enthralled with everything about “TYL.”  From the sincerity of Edwards to the amazing stories of its honorees.   From a sociology standpoint, it is also curious to observe how people used to interact with one another unscripted.  As a former school mate or early mentor would appear on stage to talk about the honoree, the language used and the enthusiasm of the handshake or hug seem so remote from our society today—polite, respectful, truthful.

Even the audience is well-mannered and well-dressed.

While I was but a baby when “TYL” went off the air in its first run (years later a revamped version aired that was not live or as captivating), I recall watching reruns years ago.

But recently I began watching them again on YouTube.  I was trying to figure out why was I doing this?  Is this a sign that my retirement is failing? 

And then on Jan. 6 it hit me.  Watching another live TV event, this time an angry mob rioting the U.S. Capitol Building, the one government building that represents democracy throughout the world, the one that the 9/11 terrorists wanted to destroy with the plane where passengers rushed the perpetrators sending it crashing in a field in Pennsylvania, I was shaken.  Just what the hell has happened to our country?

In absorbing myself in the 1950’s, I’m trying to pretend that I am living in another time period.  Any time period other than now.

Yes, the 1950’s had its own scary issues, from segregation to the threat of nuclear war.  But human qualities like decency and consideration for others were mainstays for most people. 

That hasn’t been true for a while now.

Each morning I take a walk around my neighborhood with my mask on.  On average, I pass about a dozen people, some walking a dog, a few jogging.  Maybe three of them have on a mask.

This is the way it was months ago before the most recent surge that began in mid-December, and nearly 4 weeks later, nothing has changed even though the Los Angeles area is displayed on maps in a deep fireman red coloring to denote high cases of COVID-19.

I also observe drivers and bicyclists not obeying speed laws or stop signs.  I walk by 14 four-way stop intersections on my route and rarely see a driver make even a California stop.  Most slow down a little then accelerate through.  A few drivers blow right through them as if they had a green light.  God forbid a parent with a stroller or a child on a bike is not in their pathway for it would result in severe injury or death.

People no longer feel legally or even morally obligated to stop at a stop sign or wear a small mask over the lower half to protect fellow human beings.

Every day I think about this when I am supposed to be focused on enhancing my mental and physical health.

In one hour I see a microcosm of selfish human behavior that when inflamed to a high temperature erupts into domestic terrorism.

Why do I seem to be in the minority of people who feel an obligation to do the right thing?

It’s almost as if many people were not brought up right.   They lack strong parenting that should have established a foundation of knowing right from wrong, a foundation of values and morals.  They lack a Golden Rule education of consideration for others, respecting those unlike themselves.  People used to learn how to be decent from their parents or their religious upbringing; now, many are brought up on social media.

Going back to that driver who purposely chooses not to obey a stop sign.  Why does he misbehave?   He feels the chances of a police officer catching him breaking the law is miniscule.  But what about the law of morality?  There is no conscience in this person, no little voice begging them to do the right thing.  Whether you believe in a heaven or hell, or some kind of after-life reckoning, for those who are self-absorbed without being brought up correctly, our society will continue to devolve.

Too many bad people get away with bad behavior.  A society without consequences is no longer a society.  Chaos takes over.

Decency must come from within each one of us.  You can’t legislate a law about it.

Without decency we are no longer human, just animals like the ones who stormed the Capitol.

Today, Americans can hardly come together about anything, even when it comes to a global health crisis.  But once they stop accepting the definition of what it means to be an American, the United States will no longer survive.

Being an American means respecting others, believing in equality for all.  It also means welcoming immigrants for that is the story of America.

When I grew up, I believed in the American story because it was my parents’ and grandparents’ American story.   They came to the United States not to get better jobs but to not be killed in their homelands.

Millions of Americans no longer believe in this story anymore.  Immigrants are viewed as ugly foreigners.  Forget the adage of loving thy neighbor.

Look at what President Kennedy said at his inauguration 60 years ago, “Ask now what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”  Citizens believed in that sentiment once.  Today, the reverse is true.

One of the few benefits of being my age is knowing that not that far in the future, I will die and won’t witness more decline in civilization.

I thank God that I had loving parents who brought me and my siblings up the right way.  I’m thankful that I am the way I am and wish more people were decent.

I will try to remind myself of the better parts of people each day despite seeing firsthand evidence to the contrary so that their indecency doesn’t erode mine.

America the . . . what?

Every holiday season, I look forward to re-watching some of my favorite Christmas shows.  While the enjoyment comes from feeling nostalgic about my childhood, today I find myself trying to relive the feelings I had about the United States and my fellow Americans.  I feel sadness that the place I call home is not recognizable anymore.  This country seems foreign to me now.

I watch 1962’s “Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol” and wonder about my favorite song in the show, “The Lord’s Bright Blessing,” and think to myself how in today’s times such a song would never be written today.  Too religious.

How about the climax in 1965’s “A Charlie Brown Christmas” when Linus tells the story of Jesus so Charlie Brown knows the true meaning of the holiday?  Even back then “Peanuts” creator Charles Schulz had to fight the producers to keep that scene intact.

“Home Alone” (1990) has a tender scene in a church where the boy character Kevin meets his neighbor Old Man Marley in a church to have a heart-to-heart about family.  Would this make the final cut 30 years later?

One shutters to think that one day the most famous line uttered by Tiny Tim in Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, “God bless us, everyone” may not be saved.  Will the g-word become the new n-word?

No, this isn’t another one of those War on Christmas columns.  It’s more about how Christmas time is one battle in the War on America.

Though I am not Christian, my parents brought us three kids up to believe in the dream of America.  As first-generation Americans from their families which immigrated to this country, it wasn’t enough for my grandparents to get to the shores of New York City.   They wanted to be a part of America, not apart from it. 

As one of the few Jewish kids in school I didn’t feel insulted or disrespected whenever we had to learn carols like “The First Noel” for the holiday program.  It wasn’t about religion for us; it was about America which is why we grew up loving Christmas.

That’s called assimilation.  And without it, each of us recedes onto an island with our own kind.  It is one of several reasons why our country is so split these days.

Too many citizens identify themselves first by their ethnicity, not by their country.  Saying “I’m American” used to be a special declaration.  It meant that we live in the only nation on earth where all kinds of people are welcome and have a chance to be treated equally; a noble experiment going on 250 years that still hasn’t reached its goal, but has made strides towards it.

No one seems interested anymore in reaching out to fellow citizens unlike themselves and finding common interests. Instead we stand our ground that only our rights matter.  The wearing of masks controversy symbolizes such selfishness.  “No one tells me what to do” is a mentality that is un-American.  Goodness, decency and values have been buried as relics from the past.

I find it sad that generations of people alive today never experienced the America I knew.  I don’t pretend to look at my past with rose-colored glasses.   There were lots of problems in the 1960’s as well.   Much has improved during my lifetime.  But the stuff that is disappearing is eroding this country’s definition.

As a father I have done my best to raise respectful young men.  As a teacher I taught students to be respectful to those unlike themselves.

But as I look around, I see less evidence that other parents and teachers are doing their work in raising young people to believe in morals which is instilling a belief in democracy and this country.

It is like I am living in a real “Planet of the Apes” twist ending where I’m walking along Santa Monica beach and come across the crowned head of Miss Liberty submerged in the sand.  This is America?